
sometimes i just feel like a damn good pic of a digger and this one is really smooth - maybe the best digger pic i've ever seen....
sometimes everything is complex and confusing but there is something zenlike about a digger

for americans only

Remember the last time you made pancakes? No? Well, let us remind you: it ended in sadness and confusion because you simply couldn't crank out the insane volume of pancakes you wanted / needed. Well, the ChefStack is here to help. It's a giant, automated machine with internal rollers, and its entire purpose is to do nothing but make pancakes (roughly 200 per hour). Using pre-filled bags of batter, this dude does all the work while you sit by.

the other ones

it's been said that there are two types of people - those who believe there are two types of people, and those that don't....

i have a fan

why don't you post more hardcore xxx porn pics of dynosores my fan asked
thants a damn good question...